Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Hello Year 4

Welcome to our blog.

Please remember to leave a comment when you have visited.

You might want to write about how your day at school has been, what you enjoy in Year 4, you might review a video or suggest what we might include on the blog next.

This is your special place on the internet so use it wisely.

Remember to stay safe and be polite as always!

Miss Speers

Bebe Lily dans l'espace (Baby Lily in Space)

Je m'appelle Funny Bear!

Please remember to read with your child every night.

We hope that you have received your appointments for Parents Consultations and the times are convenient. If not please speak to either of us after school so that we can re-arrange.

Your child will have brought a letter home about three school trip to take place in the Autumn Term. Please complete and return as soon as possible.

We are very excited about learning more about the Tudors for our history topic and Materials for our DT topic.

Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Homework Routines

Hello everyone!

Just a reminder of homework routines in Year 4:

  • Spellings to learn (should be learned at home for 10 minutes every night ready for test on Friday) and spelling homework given - due in on Wednesday.
  • Maths homework to be given in.


  • Spelling homework to be given in.
  • Written homework given (may be any subject) - due in on Friday.


  • Written homework to be given in.
  • Maths homework given - due in on Monday.
  • PE for both classes 4S and 4H. Please bring correct kit including track suit and trainers for PE outside in winter months).

Should you have any questions, please ask us.

Thank you

Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers

Year 4 Class Teachers

French - Frere Jacques - can you sing along?

Friday, 4 September 2009

New Term!

Welcome back everyone!

We hope that you had a lovely summer holiday and that you are ready to learn and have lots of fun in Year 4. We are looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday at our new start time 0f 8.40am. Don't forget your summer diaries.

See you then.

Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers