Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Great website for all homework help = Woodlands

Ever bored or need help with homework? Have a look at this excellent site from Woodlands School in Kent: http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/

French - BBC website

Try out your French with the activities on this BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryfrench/index_flash.shtml

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Friday, 16 October 2009

Blog comments

Hi everyone!

I have changed the settings on our blog so you should be able to make a comment more easily and without creating an account.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Miss Speers

Mrs Hinsley's Maths Group - Measures

Can you measure carefully in cm? Take this quiz to find out! www.funbrain.com/measure

Miss Speers's Maths Group - Homework

In Maths today we learned about number sequences. To find out more about sequences and patterns in our world, look at this online lesson:

For more help, see the powerpoint presentation we saw in class today: www.primaryresources.co.uk/maths/powerpoint/Number_Sequences.ppt

Maths - Miss Speers's Group

Play Countdown! Can you beat the teacher the next time we play this in our warm-up?

Thursday, 15 October 2009

PE on Fridays

PE is every Friday in Year 4. Please remember your kit. You may bring a track suit as well as your regular PE kit in case we go outside.

Miss Speers - the new Paula Radcliffe?

Congratulations to Miss Speers who completed the Birmingham Half Marathon (slowly!) last Sunday 11th October. Now put your feet up and have a well-earned rest!

History - The Tudors

We are learning all about the Tudors, who were a great family who ruled England from 1485 until 1603.

The Tudors loved their sports! Play Tudor joust. http://www.tudorbritain.org/joust/ Mrs Hinsley loves this game!

Take a peek at Blakesley Hall before our trip there in December. http://www.schoolsliaison.org.uk/blakesleyhall/blakesle.htm

Find out more about King Henry VIII and play the armour game! http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/famouspeople/standard/henry/index.shtml#focus

Visit a Tudor street! http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/walk/games_index.shtml

Watch a stop animation film about Henry VIII and his 6 wives made by the children at Greet Primary School. http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/7.cfm?s=7&m=2631&p=111,view_resource&start=16&kw=&el=2,3,4,5,6,7&sc=9&id=13408
Would you like to have a go at making a film like this?

Science - Moving and Growing

In Science we are learning about Moving and Growing.

Can you label the bones in the animal skeletons? http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/8_9/moving_growing_fs.shtml

Revise facts about the human skelton and take a quiz! http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/bodyandmedicine/skeleton.asp

Visit the haunted house to learn more about how our bodies move. http://www.bonesandharry.co.uk/main/main.html

Race against the clock to build a skeleton.

Times Tables

Here are some wonderful sites to help you with your times tables.

Remember we are tested each week on our tables.

First a great site from Woodlands Primary School in Kent

This one does exactly what it says on the tin!!

Another great site is this one where you fly over the solar system solving tables problems

Finally, we have a site where you can race against children from all over the world.http://www.tutpup.com/

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Year 4 are off to Sarehole Mill tomorrow (Wednesday 14th OCtober 2009)!

Please come to school as normal wearing your uniform with a packed lunch.

For a sneaky peek at the setting for our trip, see www.schoolsliaison.org.uk/kids/sarehole/sarehole.htm

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Hello Year 4

Welcome to our blog.

Please remember to leave a comment when you have visited.

You might want to write about how your day at school has been, what you enjoy in Year 4, you might review a video or suggest what we might include on the blog next.

This is your special place on the internet so use it wisely.

Remember to stay safe and be polite as always!

Miss Speers

Bebe Lily dans l'espace (Baby Lily in Space)

Je m'appelle Funny Bear!

Please remember to read with your child every night.

We hope that you have received your appointments for Parents Consultations and the times are convenient. If not please speak to either of us after school so that we can re-arrange.

Your child will have brought a letter home about three school trip to take place in the Autumn Term. Please complete and return as soon as possible.

We are very excited about learning more about the Tudors for our history topic and Materials for our DT topic.

Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Homework Routines

Hello everyone!

Just a reminder of homework routines in Year 4:

  • Spellings to learn (should be learned at home for 10 minutes every night ready for test on Friday) and spelling homework given - due in on Wednesday.
  • Maths homework to be given in.


  • Spelling homework to be given in.
  • Written homework given (may be any subject) - due in on Friday.


  • Written homework to be given in.
  • Maths homework given - due in on Monday.
  • PE for both classes 4S and 4H. Please bring correct kit including track suit and trainers for PE outside in winter months).

Should you have any questions, please ask us.

Thank you

Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers

Year 4 Class Teachers

French - Frere Jacques - can you sing along?

Friday, 4 September 2009

New Term!

Welcome back everyone!

We hope that you had a lovely summer holiday and that you are ready to learn and have lots of fun in Year 4. We are looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday at our new start time 0f 8.40am. Don't forget your summer diaries.

See you then.

Mrs Hinsley and Miss Speers